We know we are Born Leaders.
We know not to wait to start or restart habits on Mondays or the 1st or after a holiday or New Years .. We start TODAY..
We know to make Goals, to-do lists and NOT to-do lists.
We know to learn from our mistakes and share our lessons with others.
We wake up Early because, we know our success in life is based on how much we put into each day.
We know the earlier we wake up, the more time we have to be productive.
We know we must have Vision, Goals, Values, Integrity, Consistency, Awareness and Productivity to become who – we are destined to become.
We know we become better tomorrow by becoming better today.
We know we must align ourselves with Positive, Committed, Selfless, Productive, Intelligent people.
We know we are not a collection of Races, we are God’s Children – therefore we are Brothers and Sisters.
We know every challenge we face is designed to test our Fortitude.
We know we are the results of our thoughts, therefore we seek to knowledge from Books, Leaders and other trusted sources.
We know our brains are similar to tape recorders, in that it plays back whatever we take in – therefore we minimize our interaction with negative people, music, TV, News and various other information.
We know the worst thing is NOT KNOWING – THAT WE DON’T KNOW, but are committed to closing that Gap.
We know for us to have long lasting personal success, there must be an Emotional, Physical, Mental and Physical balance.
We know that there must be a balance between what we do for ourselves and what we do for others.
We know in spite of everything we want and may not have, we are still Truly Blessed.
We know – we are destined to LEAD.
This is wonderful and right on time! Thanks Dame!