We know the management and maintenance of your personal finances can be a dubious task (to say the least).
Realizing the first step to changing my habits is to make a DECISION, and that decision was – to improve my Money Management skills. As a previous Microsoft Money user, I was disappointed to find out that application was discontinued. My Money Budget spreadsheet is ok, but I know I needed more.
Enter “MINT”.. I was introduced to this tool a few years ago and I’ll be honest – it has completed changed the way I spend and manage my money. During the setup process, I configured all of my bank accounts, credit cards, loans, financial goals, etc. I was particularly impressed by the way it categorized my spending and created graphs that displayed where my money was going. It manages my bills, bank transactions, helps creates budgets, sends reminders.. this is the Ultimate tool!
They have a great website and apps for IOS and Android. I recommend setting up the initial information on their website and managing the day to day stuff from your device.
Website – https://www.mint.com/
Apple iTunes IOS app – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mint.com-personal-finance/id300238550?mt=8
Android Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mint&hl=en