Proper organization makes a more significant impact on your happiness than you may think. No one is born über organized; they cultivate habits throughout their life that make them more organized. Living in an unorganized home and having a cluttered schedule makes things feel much more hectic than they actually are. Following these five simple tips will help you to get things more under control, and may spark you to keep the organization journey going.
In addition to keeping your home organized, keep it decluttered. Stuff can accumulate in your home quickly. Set aside one day every month where you go through your home and get rid of everything you don’t use or need. If you struggle with getting rid of your things, try reading “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,” by Marie Kondo. Her method will help you to part with the items that no longer serve a purpose and fill your home with items that bring you joy.
Keep a journal (or your phone if you prefer) on you at all times. Write down anything important you need to remember. Keep a section with the birthdays of those close to you. Write down the names of the new people you meet. Write down a daily to-do list, and cross off the completed items each day. Hand-writing everything helps you to remember them better.
Every day, plan out your schedule. Look at your list of what you have to do that day, and assign a timeline to each activity. Having a strict schedule helps ensure that you waste the least amount of time during a day. But, this doesn’t mean you need to spend every second of your day working. Schedule yourself breaks (to maximize productivity, take a 15-minute break after 90-minutes of working). You can also schedule fun activities, like reading or watching your favorite TV show. The point of a schedule isn’t to force yourself to spend an entire day at work; it’s merely to help you be more aware of your time.
Everything you own should have a place somewhere in your house. Keep those items in their homes. As soon as you’re finished using something, put it away. Don’t put off the task; that’s how clutter builds. Label your storage bins, and avoid labeling a bin “miscellaneous,” as that’s just an invitation for you to store odds and ends you don’t genuinely need. Having an organized home will help you feel more productive and less anxious at home.
Emotional intelligence is a skill that helps you to recognize, manage and deal with our emotions, and the feelings of others. Being more emotionally intelligent helps you to categorize your feelings and understand why you act the way you do, which can help to improve your relationships with others. Emotionally intelligent people are more motivated and productive which will help you to get things organized and keep them that way.
Written by: Tanaya Walters
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