We say we want Love, Success and Money
If that is the case, how are we preparing for them? What are we doing to prepare ourselves – for the opportunities we say we want?
We desire Love, but do we know that Love is not jealous? Love is Selfless, Love demands that we Love ourselves, as we can’t give – what we don’t have. Love is forgiving, Love is most importantly – UNCONDITIONAL. Now ask.. Are we prepared for Love?
We desire Success, but what does Success mean to you? For us to obtain a thing, we must know – what that thing is. Success in anything requires Prepartion, Planning, Practice, Committment and Investment in ourselves. Are we prepared for Success?
We desire Money, but how much money do we want and why? Is there a dollar figure? Do we know how to manage money? How to invest money? How to save money? Do we know the best ways to increase our money? Now ask.. Are we prepared for Money?